Ancient Sunrise® Quiz April 2019

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How to Prepare Your Hair Before Using Henna

People frequently ask what they should or should not do to their hair before applying henna. Does hair need to be clean, or left unwashed? Can it have conditioner on it? Should it be wet or dry? As henna works differently from conventional hair dyes and treatments, these questions are valid. This article will explain the best ways to prepare your hair for your henna treatment to obtain the best results.

First of all, hair should definitely be clean. But “clean” means several things. For henna and plant dye mixtures, it means, 1) free of dirt; 2) free of oils, both natural and added; and 3) free of mineral build-up. Dirt, oil, and mineral build-up all create barriers that prevent the dye from binding properly to the hair strand, for the best coverage and permanence, it will be important to start with squeaky-clean hair. Second, it is important to avoid adding oils or conditioning products to the hair prior to using henna, as they can inhibit dye uptake. Finally, hair can be either damp or dry when applying henna, whatever makes the hair easier to separate into sections for application. Continue reading to learn more about how to prep your hair and why.

Remove Dirt

When left unwashed, hair collects dirt and pollutants from the environment, as well as dead skin and materials excreted through the sweat glands. Combined with the body’s natural oils and heat, the hair becomes a perfect playground for bacteria and microbes.

              While henna has anti-microbial properties, it does not necessarily make for the best hair cleanser. Henna is best known for its coloring and strengthening properties, which come from the dye molecule, lawsone. Dirty hair does not allow for as much dye uptake as clean hair, therefore limiting the benefits. No one wants to go through the process of applying henna and leaving it on for several hours just to see that their hair was not colored sufficiently.

              The simplest way to remove dirt is with a standard detergent shampoo. A clarifying shampoo would be even better. Shampoo bars, natural shampoos, and shampoo alternatives may not effectively clean the hair of dirt and oil, and may actually leave a residue which creates an additional barrier. Baking soda does not clear out sebum as effectively as shampoo, and may interact negatively with dye molecules.

              Ancient Sunrise® shampoo bars and Ancient Sunrise® Zizyphus Spina Christi powder are great cleansers for any time other than right before henna. The shampoo bars are oil-based, and Zizyphus leaves a natural waxy coating on the hair. If you use either of these, it is recommended to wash your hair with a regular detergent or clarifying shampoo to remove any residue.

Remove Oil

While it is important to wash away the dirt and oil that naturally accumulates in the hair, it is equally important to avoid applying any additional oils. If you use oils or conditioners, these need to be washed out.

              Indigo is particularly sensitive to barriers such as oil, and will not bind as successfully unless the hair is completely clean. Those who have particularly resistant hair may want to try washing their roots with a few drops of dish soap. Dish soap is a strong detergent that will strip out any oils and temporarily rough up the cuticle to allow for better dye penetration.

Remove Mineral Build-up

Minerals from tap water accumulate in the hair over time. They can cause the hair to feel drier and more brittle, prevent dye uptake, and affect the color. Hennaed hair will darken with mineral build-up. Cassia can react with minerals in the hair, turning the hair muddy-colored or greenish rather than golden.

              Ancient Sunrise® Rainwash Mineral Treatment is great to use prior to henna treatments, and regularly to keep the hair bright and soft. Those who live in areas with hard water will notice the effect of minerals more quickly and will need to clean their hair of mineral build-up more often. All tap water contains some level of mineral content, so Rainwash is always a safe bet, no matter what type of water you have.

              Rainwash comes in powder form. Mix it with distilled water until it thickens into a gel consistency. Apply throughout the hair, wrap the hair with plastic, and leave it in for 15-40 minutes. A deep cleanse will require forty minutes, while fifteen is enough if you are using the product regularly. During this time, the product is dissolving minerals out of the hair, and it is normal to notice a metallic or sulfur smell. Rinse well. Using a dab of shampoo will ensure that all of the gel and minerals are thoroughly rinsed out.

Avoid Conditioner and Oils

For best dye results, it is important to skip the conditioner before applying henna. As mentioned before, oils create a barrier and prevent the dye from binding properly to the hair.  The glycerin and silicone compounds in conditioning products do the same.

              Some people are concerned that their hair will be difficult to manage without conditioner. A vinegar rinse can help to keep the hair slippery enough to work with. Do this as the last step after using Rainwash and shampoo. Rinsing the hair with cool water can also help the hair become smoother.

Wet or Dry?

Finally, people commonly ask whether to apply henna to wet or dry hair. Either way is fine; whatever makes your hair easier to separate into sections. Hair should be at least towel-dry, or the paste is apt to get thin and runny once it is on. Also, be aware that hair is more fragile and prone to stretching while wet.

Best Practice

Putting all of this information together, here is the best way to prepare your hair before henna.

1. Mix and apply Ancient Sunrise® Rainwash according to the instructions.

2. After leaving the Rainwash mixture in your hair for the recommended amount of time, rinse your hair and use a detergent or clarifying shampoo.

3. For extra oily or dye-resistant hair, use a few drops of dish soap.

4. Remember not to use conditioner.

5. If skipping conditioner makes your hair unmanageable, rinse your hair with diluted vinegar and cool water to give it extra slip.

6. Dry your hair to the point where it is no longer dripping. Damp or fully dry hair is fine.

7. It is best to do all of this right before applying henna, rather than the day or evening before.

When Doing a Two-step Process for Black Hair, or Re-applying a Mix

The above information applies to using henna and indigo in two separate steps, or any time when another mix is used shortly after the first one, such as in the case of missed spots or a result that is too light.

              It is especially important that the hair is clean and free of oils before applying indigo. If you are applying both steps of a two-step process on the same day, simply rinse and shampoo out the henna paste, towel- or blow-dry your hair, and apply the indigo. Indigo can be applied up to 48 hours after rinsing henna; if you plan to wait, it is important to wash your hair again right before you apply indigo.

              As a general rule of thumb, any time you plan to apply a plant dye mixture to your hair, it is best to have it as clean as possible immediately prior to application.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact Ancient Sunrise® Customer Service via phone, email, or online chat at

Henna 101: How to Dye-Release Henna


For the best coverage and permanent results, it is important to mix henna powder with a mild acid and allow the paste to sit for a period of time. This process is referred to as “dye-release.” Improper dye release can lead to weak stains that fade overtime, and undesired color results.

A Quick Chemistry Lesson

Henna leaves naturally contain lawsone, a red-orange dye. In powder form, henna will not stain keratin. Henna powder must be mixed with a liquid to allow hennocides, the lawsone precursors to be released from the plant material and migrate out into the paste. The precursors are converted into aglycones, through the replacement of the glycosyl group with a hydrogen atom. These hydrogen atoms function like the nub parts of puzzle pieces, so the dye can bind effectively to other molecules. Aglycones are intermediary molecules which will bind to other molecules to convert into a stable form. If the bond occurs with

keratin, the result is a permanent stain on the outer layers of the hair.


Low pH (acidic) mixes are rich in hydrogens, which keep aglycones relatively stable until it is time to use the dye. This hydrogen-rich environment provided by the acid liquid allows for a longer and fuller dye-release as well as a more stable bond to keratin aglycones to bond to the keratin of the hair through a Michael Addition.

If the paste is left too long before use, the aglycones bind to surrounding molecules and to the oxygen in the air until there are no precursor dye molecules left to bind to the hair. This is called “demise.” Demised henna will result in poorer coverage with a weaker, less permanent bond. The resulting color may also be less vibrant. Full demise, at room temperature, begins twelve hours after mixing the paste, and is complete after one week.

The low pH level of an acidic henna paste allows the aglycones to remain stable for a longer period of time. This allows for a slow, steady dye-release for the optimal amount of available aglyones. Mixing henna without an acid (such as using only water) will cause the paste to have a weaker dye release which demises faster. The optimal pH level for a henna mix is right around 5.5, which can be achieved with a number of fruit juices, or the use of a fruit acid powder and distilled water.


Hennocide precursors convert into an aglycone state in a low pH environment, and eventually oxidize to a stable molecule.


Mixes that are alkaline or pH neutral will cause demise to occur more quickly. Without hydrogens to facilitate the Michael Addition bond, the stain will be weak, and fade over time. Therefore, water-only mixes, or alkaline liquids such as coconut milk are not recommended.



The temperature of the mixture will affect the speed at which dye-release and demise occur. Some henna for hair brands recommend mixing henna with boiling water. While this causes an immediate dye-release, the dye is much weaker, resulting in light, brassy tones. On the other hand, cooler temperatures will slow or halt the chemical reactions. This is why it is possible to store leftover henna paste in the freezer for months without loss of effectiveness. Optimal dye-release occurs at room temperature after 8-12 hours, with full demise occurring after 48 hours.

Be sure to cover your paste with plastic to prevent unnecessary exposure to air.


The Best Dye-Release Method

For the best results, dye-release henna at room temperature (70-80 degrees, F) for 8-12 hours. To dye hair in the morning, mix the paste right before bedtime. To dye hair in the evening, mix the paste after you wake up. The paste will be at its best anywhere within the 8-12 hour window. After 12 hours, demise will begin. Paste left at room temperature for over 48 hours will give weak results. In a cool, or air-conditioned room (65-70 degrees, F), the paste may be left out slightly longer than 12 hours.

Henna at 65 degrees F will be ready between 8-12 hours, and demise slowly.


Checking for Dye-Release

When henna paste is ready, the surface of the paste will be a darker color than the paste underneath, and there may be some reddish-orange liquid collecting on top. Stir the paste and dip a fingertip into it, or apply a drop to your palm and wash it off after a minute. If a bright orange stain remains on your skin, the paste is ready.

Dye-released henna is darker on the top, like day-old guacamole. Stir it up and it’s ready to use.


In A Pinch

There may be times when you need your henna paste to be ready faster. Increase the temperature to decrease dye-release time, or take advantage of enzymes naturally occurring in apple juice to speed up the process without getting the brassy results that come with using boiling water.



Putting your paste in a hot environment (100 degrees, F or higher) will speed up the dye-release process considerably. A bowl of henna paste in a car on a hot day will dye-release within about one hour, depending on the car’s internal temperature. Placing your henna near a heater or outside on a sunny day will also speed up the process. You can also wrap your bowl of henna in a towel, and wrap a heated blanket around it, or place a heating pad over it.

Do not under any circumstance put a henna in the microwave or oven, or on the stove. The heat is high and uneven. High heat will “cook” the aglycones, rendering them useless.

The time required for dye-release drops very quickly in conditions above 100 degrees. Be sure to check your paste frequently for dye release. If left in a hot environment for too long, the paste will begin to demise.

Henna at 100-140 degrees F will be ready within about an hour.



Fresh apple juice contains enzymes that will expedite dye release by breaking down the plant powder’s cellulostic material. Henna powder mixed with apple juice will dye-release in about half the time. Keep an eye on your paste and check for dye release every hour or so.

Storing Henna Paste

If your paste has dye-released and you are not able to use it right away, put it in the refrigerator. Dye-released henna will stay good in the fridge for two days.

If you cannot use your henna for longer than two days, keep it in the freezer. Henna in the freezer will keep almost indefinitely. To store extra henna for future root touch-ups, separate the paste into portions using plastic bags or an ice cube tray. These portions will thaw quickly.

Henna can be stored in the freezer for several months. An ice cube tray is great for easy portioning.

Once brought back to room temperature, henna will continue its process of dye-release and demise. Do not leave dye-released henna out at room temperature for more than 24 hours. Leaving henna out long enough to thaw and to come up to a comfortable temperature for use if long enough. Some find that cool paste feels nice on the scalp on a hot day.


I Forgot the Acid

It happens. Maybe you were distracted by your cat doing something cute and forgot to add the fruit acid powder. Maybe you’re just jumping into the land of henna and didn’t know you needed an acid until now.

If it has only been a few hours since your mixed your henna, add the fruit acid as soon as possible and let it sit for the remaining time, checking for dye release around the eighth hour.

If you have a henna-and-water paste that has been out for 8-12 hours, there will have been a weak dye-release, as distilled water draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, becoming mildly acidic. Add the fruit acid powder, and allow the paste to sit for up to three more hours, checking for dye-release.

If you do not have an acid with you, stick your paste in the fridge or freezer until you get some. Orange, apple, and cranberry juice work fine. Apple cider vinegar works as well, if you don’t mind the smell. Do not use wine, coffee, milk, yogurt, or tea.

Because the paste was already previously mixed with water, there will have been some release of aglycones, and some demise. Adding an acid as soon as your remember will lead to better results, but the results may still be less than optimal.

If adding liquid will cause your paste to be too runny, add 1tsp of cream of tartar powder for every 100g henna powder, instead of a juice. Cream of tartar may result in a darker color. You can also mix more henna powder with warm lemon juice, and stir this into your existing paste.

I Left My Henna Out Too Long

At room temperature, henna will begin to demise after 12 hours, and fully demise after about 48. If it has been longer than 48 hours, most likely the paste done. Test the paste for dye-release. If there is little to no orange stain on your skin after leaving the paste on for one minute, the results on the hair will be light. If you choose to use the paste, you may have to reapply with new paste for best results. A henna/indigo mix using demised henna may result in green or blue tones which will fade quickly, as indigo needs henna to bind effectively to the hair. Often the best route is to throw out the paste and mix up a fresh batch.

My Paste Has Dye-Released, But I Can’t Use it Right Now

No worries. As mentioned above, cool and freezing temperatures will slow and halt demise, respectively. If you expect to be able to use your henns within a couple of days, put your bowl in the refrigerator. If you cannot use your henna for over a week, or if you are unsure about when you will be able to use it, keep it in the freezer.

My Mix is Mostly/All Cassia. How Can I Tell if it is Ready?

Cassia follows the same dye release schedule as henna. Because the dye is light and translucent, a stain-test will not show a bright orange stain like henna will. It is best to dye-release cassia and cassia-henna mixes at room temperature for 8-12 hours to be confident that the paste is ready. Henna and cassia are fairly forgiving, so leaving a mix out at room temperature for a few hours longer than necessary is better than using it too soon.


For more in-depth information about the dye-release process, see the following links:

As always, do not hesitate to contact the henna for hair experts at


Henna for Hair 101: Body Art Quality (BAQ) Henna, Compound Henna, and Hair Dye That Really Isn’t Henna


Henna for Hair 101

Defining the Word “Henna”

To those who are new to using henna as hair dye, the word “henna” itself may be confusing as well as the terms “BAQ” and “compound henna”. Health stores and internet suppliers carry an array of hair dye products labeled as “henna,” which may be either in powder, cream, liquid, or solid form. They might offer color results from blonde to jet black, and call it “blonde henna,” “light brown henna,” and so forth. To add to the confusion, one might be familiar with images of body art using traditional henna, “black henna,” (Run away. Fast.) “white henna,” and even metallic henna temporary tattoos.

It is therefore important to establish what “henna” actually is. While it is all too commonly used in these ways, it is not a word to catch all natural (or claiming to be natural) hair dyes, and it is not a body art style. Henna is one specific plant, lawsonia inermis, which produces a natural dye called lawsone. This dye binds to keratin, staining it an orange-red color. The processed product of lawsonia inermis is a powder that can be mixed into a paste, and used as a dye.

Henna, lawsonia inermis, is a plant whose leaves contain a red-orange dye called lawsone.

What Can Be Called Henna Hair Dye?

Sadly, the answer is almost anything. Because the words “henna” and “natural” are not regulated, any company can produce a hair dye that contains little to no lawsonia inermis plant powder and still put those words on the label.

Henna only produces stains in a range of orange to deep red. Any powder product that dyes hair a color other than red will contain other ingredients. These may be other plant powders, such as indigo and cassia. They may also be dyes or metallic salts. Many companies pre-mix these powders, and add additional ingredients, either plant-based or man-made. Premixed powdered hair dyes are called Compound Hennas.

“Henna” hair dyes, in powder, liquid, or solid form, can be called henna even if the closest ingredient to lawsonia inermis listed is “henna extract.” In other cases, henna or lawsonia inermis will be listed as a main ingredient, but a consumer needs to keep in mind that distributors are not always required to disclose their full list of ingredients, depending on the country of origin. It is important to keep in mind that there may be much more than henna and plant powders contained in the product.

This “henna natural conditioner” claims to condition the hair without changing color. Henna is the last ingredient listed.

Compound Henna

Henna has been used for centuries in the hot, semi-arid areas where it naturally grows. As westerners learned of henna and its benefits, its popularity spread and the market grew. Distributors mixed plant powders with metallic salts in an attempt to cheapen the product and simplify its use. Traditionally, henna must be mixed with a mildly acidic liquid, left for several hours to dye release, applied, and left for several hours in the hair. Additives allowed henna to be mixed and used right away, and rinsed after a shorter period of time.

These additives could also allow for a wide range of colors and make up for poor-quality henna. Compound hennas claiming to dye hair dark brunette or black may contain para-phenylenediamine (PPD), the same toxic chemical used in commercial dyes, and used in high concentrations as “black henna” body art.

An old advertisement for compound henna in 14 shades, including “white.”

Compound henna has given true henna a bad reputation. Most hair stylists have been taught that henna will damage hair, and that hennaed hair can never be dyed with conventional dyes again. Yes, the chemicals in salon hair dyes can react with metallic salts to horrific results (Your hair may burn and melt, literally) but there is no problem using conventional dyes before or after pure henna. Pure, BAQ henna improves hair rather than damages it. This is one of several reasons it is crucial to push for education on the differences between pure henna and compound henna, and to call for more regulation on products claiming to be henna.

Liquid Henna

“Henna” hair dye might also be offered in a liquid or cream form. These are far from natural. Henna, when mixed into a paste, has a shelf-life of 48 hours before the dye demises. If a liquid product containing henna is sold at room temperature, it no doubt contains a myriad of additives to preserve the henna dye, or it contains little to no henna. In some cases, a scan of the ingredients list will show that the closest thing to henna is “henna extract,” somewhere down near the bottom of the list. An unsuspecting customer may believe they are buying henna for hair, when in reality they are buying a product that is more similar to a conventional boxed dye, but which contains some small amount of a henna plant derivative.

At 65 degrees Fahrenheit, henna paste will begin to demise 48 hours after mixing. If a ‘henna’ product is a sold as a cream or liquid on a store shelf, it will contain additives such as preservatives and dyes.

Poorly Sifted Henna

Even when henna is really henna, it varies in quality. Traditionally, “henna for hair” was henna powder of a lower sift, containing bits of leaves, stems, and sand. Because it was not meant for squeezing delicate designs out of a fine-tipped cone, henna sold for use as hair dye did not have to be as finely processed, and was therefore less costly. This gave henna a bad reputation for being difficult to apply and rinse, leaving hair a damaged, tangled mess.

The sale of low quality and adulterated henna is not always done maliciously. Some companies which sell natural plant powders source their products from distributors who also believe their products are pure. Smaller shipments of henna are easy to move quickly, and may vary from batch to batch. These companies trust the word of the henna producers that the products is pure, high quality, and safe, and therefore advertise their products as such.

Having large amounts of high quality, finely sifted henna requires having the facilities to produce consistently and at that scale. Having confidence in purity requires being able to test for the chemical components in each batch, which can be very costly.

Pre-Mixed Henna Products

Some companies sell products containing decent quality plant products and none of the harmful stuff, but they formulate their products in such a way that produces inferior results. This is because they believe that plant powders can be mixed together for easier use. These dyes may be a package of henna, indigo, cassia, and other natural ingredients blended into one powder. The instructions might recommend mixing the powders with hot or boiling water, and applying the mix right away. Some may sell in a solid form, mixing the plant powders with oils and plant butters so that the product can be melted into a paste.

Preparing a henna for hair mixture can be complicated for new henna users, and requires patience. Henna paste must be mixed with a mildly acidic liquid and allowed to dye-release at room temperature for 8-12 hours. This slow dye-release allows for rich, permanent color. Indigo, releases its dye immediately once mixed with water, and will demise quickly afterward. Henna paste must be mixed earlier, and then indigo is mixed and stirred into prepared henna paste just prior to application.

Premixed powders try to compensate for the difference in dye-release times by recommending a hot liquid, which forces henna to dye-release immediately at the same time as the indigo, but with much weaker and lighter results. This is one reason there exists a myth about henna turning hair green. Weak henna, overpowered by indigo’s natural green-blue hue, will lead to undesired results.

With boiling water, henna’s dye will release immediately, but demise quickly and create weak results that fade.

When dye released separately and then combined, henna and indigo’s dyes work together to create beautifully natural shades of brown. To achieve jet-black hair, henna and indigo must be applied in two separate steps. Premixed henna products will not be able to produce a true and permanent black. Results may turn out dark brown or green, and fade over time. It is important for henna for hair products to keep plant powders separate, and properly instruct their customers on mixing.

The henna paste has been mixed and dye-released, and the indigo is waiting to be mixed.

In addition to faulty methodology, premixed henna dyes often contain numerous additional “healthy” and “natural” ingredients such as plant extracts and essential oils, clay powder, and other dried plant powder. Most do very little to the hair’s color or condition, and will inhibit dye uptake. Black walnut powder is used as a hair dye, but has a high rate of allergic reaction. Brightly colored plants such as beets and hibiscus will not contribute to a redder result. Henna works best when the mix is simple, and it does not need to be mixed with the contents of a health food store to work well.

Henna bars are filled with oils to create a creamier paste which supposedly hydrates and conditions the hair while dyeing it. The problem, in addition to dye-release timing, is that oils will coat the hair and prevent adequate dye uptake.

Body Art Quality (BAQ) Henna for Hair

Luckily, more and more people have turned to buying high quality, pure henna, indigo, and/or cassia powders and mixing their dye at home. Long-time henna users often refer to their henna as BAQ. This acronym can be seen in beauty blogs and hair forums all over the internet. Henna for hair recipes may call for BAQ henna, and natural hair product stores will advertise that their henna is BAQ. What does it mean?

BAQ, was coined by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD, in the late 1990’s as she began studying and distributing high quality henna for use as hair dye. “Body Art Quality” refers to henna that is finely sifted, free of sand and large plant particulates, and free of metallic salts or other chemical adulterants often found in compound hennas. She shortened it to BAQ because typing “Body Art Quality” over and over was irksome. BAQ henna is of the quality used by henna body artists. The paste is smooth and creamy, able to flow out of a cone; it contains nothing that would be dangerous to apply on skin.

Ancient Sunrise® suppliers takes their quality standard one step further and test for pesticides, heavy metals, and other chemical adulterants. We run all powders under a microscope as well. Indigo and cassia powders are not used for body art, so “BAQ” would not make any sense as a label, but all Ancient Sunrise® plant powders are subject to a high standard of quality.

Unlike premixed powders, Ancient Sunrise® offers kits containing ratios of henna, indigo, and/or cassia in separate packets, which can be mixed by the customer to achieve the desired result. This does mean more work and patience on the part of the customer, but creates better results and allows for greater control.

As one of the largest small-business importers of plant dye powder in the United States, Ancient Sunrise® has established long-standing relationships with reputable distributors, and orders shipments by the metric ton. This allows us to store and sell a consistent supply of each crop, rather than buying odd lots in small shipments. The batch you get in the mail will be identical to the batch that was sent to the lab.

Hooray, Science! Hooray Transparency!

The purpose of this article was not to state that all henna for hair products other than Ancient Sunrise® brand are bad quality or dangerous. However, the henna hair dye industry has a long way to go in keeping harmful ingredients out of their products, and in using sound scientific knowledge of natural plant dyes to create great products. It would be fantastic if all henna for hair companies held themselves to high standards of quality and purity. Choosing a hair dye product shouldn’t have to feel like walking blindfolded through a minefield.

The difference between Ancient Sunrise® and similar henna for hair dye companies is that we have taken the time to prove the purity of the product, we fine-tune our methods through continuous research and testing, and we make it a priority to be a knowledgeable resource for our customers.

Ancient Sunrise® believes in empowering the consumer by providing the knowledge necessary to choose and create their perfect henna for hair mix. We offer lab result documents to anyone who requests them, and have henna for hair experts available for consultation via phone, email, or online chat. Regrettably, we are not able to advise on or answer questions about products outside of our own brand, due to legal liabilities. We look forward to hearing from you!

Henna for Hair 101: Don’t Put Food On Your Head

Well… you can if you really want to, but please keep it out of your henna.

If you’ve surfed around the internet looking for information on dyeing hair with henna, chances are that you’ve found dozens of articles and videos on how to create a henna mix for your hair, and many of them have told you to add any of a variety of things into the mix. How do you decide which to use? Should you add coffee? Should you add coconut milk? Eggs? Spices? Oils? Yogurt? Beet juice? The answer is no. And here’s why we say don’t put food on your head.

The obsession with using foods and other ingredients in henna mixes comes from a few myths:

First, there is the idea that henna is drying to the hair, and that some ingredients can prevent that. Henna does not ‘dry out’ hair, though it does raise the cuticle temporarily.  Conditioner or a vinegar rinse will smooth it right back down. 

Second is the idea that dark colored ingredients such as coffee or cinnamon will make your color darker, or bright red/purple ingredients such as beets or paprika will add those hues to your color. Beets and carrots may change the color of your bowel movements, but they won’t change the color of your hair.

Third is that spices and oils with strong scents will mask the smell of the plant dye powders and make your hair smell better.

Fourth is that the cosmetic industry puts pictures of fruit and herbs on their packaging to ‘greenwash’ the fact that their products are mostly chemicals.  This gives people the impression that adding random ‘natural’ and ‘exotic’ things makes products better.  It’s more complicated than that.

Because of all the misinformation floating around the internet, people get the idea that adding a bunch of extra ingredients into their henna mix will result in a super powerful, awesome conditioner/cleaner/dye paste worthy of the gods. It’s an attractive idea because you have these items in your kitchen already, and certain foods do have beneficial properties for hair and skin.

Spoiler alert: You’ll just end up with a lot of wasted food, and less of the benefits of henna….so say with me: don’t put food on your head.

Here’s the Truth:

Henna is not drying, nor damaging.

Some notice that after rinsing their henna paste out, their hair feels crunchy, tangled, or dry. This is due to the temporary change of the hair structure after dyeing with henna. When the dye molecules migrate into the hair, the cuticle is raised up, making the hair seem rougher and coarser. As the dye molecules settle down into place, your hair becomes smoother again. This can take a couple of days, but you can help to smooth the cuticles back down by using conditioner, rinsing with cool water, and rinsing with apple cider vinegar.

Layers of keratin scales form the outer surface of the hair fiber. These cuticles are temporarily raised during dyeing, and settle back down afterward.

If your hair feels gritty after henna, you may not have rinsed it all out. The easiest way to get all of that paste out is to fill your tub with warm water, and lay back, swishing your hair around. Massage a good handful of conditioner into your hair, rinse, and repeat until it feels soft. Contrary to popular thought, there is nothing keeping you from using shampoo, conditioner, or any other hair product right away. There is a myth that shampooing after henna causes the dye to fade; this isn’t the case. The dye binds to the hair during the three to four hours the paste is left on the head, and it is there to stay. Any color that tints the water going down your drain was residual dye.

The myth of henna being damaging to the hair comes from compound hennas, which are not pure henna. These are mixes that contain henna as well as other ingredients such as metallic salts, PPD, and other chemical additives. Compound henna is damaging to the hair, but pure henna plant powder is not. 

As long as you are using 100% pure plant powder, adding coconut milk, oils, conditioner, honey, yogurt, egg or any other products to “moisturize” the hair is not necessary, and will prevent the dye from staining your hair.

            Read Why Hair Feels Dry After Henna and How to Fix It for more about this topic.

Good quality henna is easy to rinse out.

Another reason so many recipes have you digging around in your refrigerator is because much of the henna sold for hair is poorly sifted, full of leaf bits, twigs, sand, and other undesirably chunky bits. Adding oils, milks, fats, and other slippery ingredients are supposed to create a smoother henna paste that’s easier to apply and rinse out.  In reality, oils coat the hair and prevent the henna dye molecules from effectively binding to the hair. Imagine dipping some fabric into oil, and then trying to dye it. The result would not be so great.

It’s easier to start out with high quality, finely sifted henna.  That way, picking twigs out of your hair won’t be part of your henna routine.

Just because it’s brightly colored doesn’t mean it’ll dye your hair.

Beet juice, paprika, hibiscus, red cabbage juice, and any other number of bright red/purple ingredients will not make your resulting hair color redder or more burgundy.

Coffee will not make your hair darker or browner. But it will smell very strong and give you a headache. Caffeine is transdermal. It will enter your body through your skin, giving you some crazy jitters. Black tea, just like coffee, won’t change the color, no matter how strong you brew it.

These ingredients do not contain dyes that permanently change the color of your hair. In order to do that, a dye molecule needs to be able to bind into the keratin on your hair. When henna powder is mixed with an acidic liquid, the dye molecules become available in a form that can attach permanently to keratin. This process does not work with every substance. To check if an ingredient is capable of dyeing hair, read Does it Dye Hair? The Official List.

Some of these ideas come from techniques for fabric dyeing; people wrongly assume that if a plant or spice can dye fabric or wool, it will do the same thing on the hair. Dyeing fabrics with plants usually involve boiling the fabric and using a mordant, neither of which you’ll want to do with your hair.

If you want a brighter red, certain fruit acids will push the henna tone lighter, and prevent deepening from oxidation. Mixing henna and cassia will also result in lighter coppers and oranges.

If you want browner tones, add indigo. Fruit acids can also deepen your result. Amla mutes down the brighter orange tones. Nightfall Rose adds subtle ash tones.

Good Smells

            Some people love the smell of henna, and others think it smells like wet dog or iron rust. For those who don’t like the smell, there are two things that can neutralize and mask it: ginger powder and cardamom powder. Ginger neutralizes, and cardamom adds a spicy sweet scent. Do not use cinnamon or clove, as they irritate the skin.

Many henna recipes recommend dye-releasing henna with herbal tea. Herbal tea, on its own, is not acidic enough to dye-release henna. There isn’t an issue with adding this as long as you have some other acidic component.

Essential oils can cause headaches and irritate the skin. Keep in mind that anything that is in your henna mix will be sitting on your scalp for several hours. And again, oils create a barrier against the dye. So resist the urge to dig into your stash of EOs when mixing up your henna. That stuff is pricy. Save it for other things.

“But it’s so natural and healthy!”

Healthy and natural lifestyles are on the rise. Throughout the internet, you see endless articles containing homemade face mask recipes that look more like recipes for something you might feed a baby (banana, oatmeal, avocado, egg…) and these ingredients end up on hair masks, as well. And then in henna mixes.

There’s nothing wrong with that, and sure, some food items are beneficial on the skin and in the hair. But henna on its own is strengthening and conditioning. Adding a bunch of other things prevents you from getting the full effect of the benefits of henna, not to mention causing a weaker stain. In the end, instead of creating some kind of super henna, you’ll end up having a weird smoothie that happens to also have henna in it.

Rule of thumb: A hair mask is a hair mask. Henna is henna. Both do their own special things for the hair, but keep them separate. If you really want to, wait until after you rinse your henna out, and then condition your hair with the contents of your kitchen. Or use those items to make lunch, instead.

If you only want conditioning benefits, Cassia would be a better choice than henna. You get the same conditioning benefits, without the color change. Remember to keep your cassia mix simple, too.

So what CAN you put in your henna?

Simple, clear, mildly acidic fruit juices: lemon juice, apple juice, vinegar, cranberry juice

Very little. The simplest mix is often the best.

You will need something acidic to dye-release the henna and/or cassia. This can be a fruit acid powder, or fruit juice.

If you…

•don’t like the smell of henna, add a teaspoon of ginger or cardamom powder. 

• are using indigo, a teaspoon of regular table salt for every 100g of indigo can help strengthen the dye.

• don’t like the smell of indigo, a spoonful or two of instant vanilla pudding powder will neutralize the smell.

To make indigo paste creamier and easier to apply, add a teaspoon of Ancient Sunrise® CMC powder.

And that’s it. That is why one of our most popular phrases at Mehandi is don’t put food on your head.

To learn more, read the Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair E-Book, and feel free to contact the Customer Service Representatives at

What’s the Difference Between These Plant Dye Powders?

Henna for Hair 101: What’s the Difference Between These Plant Dye Powders?

If you’ve read Henna for Hair 101: The Bare Essentials and Henna for Hair 101: Choosing Your Mix, you’ll know by now that a Henna for Hair mix will contain up to three plant powders and one acidic component.

Ancient Sunrise® offers henna, indigo, and cassia. What’s the difference between these plant dye powders? How do you choose? Never fear. Keep reading.

Ancient Sunrise® Henna

Henna varies in dye content, sift, and tone. It is affected by region in which I grows, and yearly weather conditions which cause the natural dye concentration to be higher or lower. If it helps, think of henna like wine grapes. Weather and regions produce variation in crop and quality. As with grapes, there can be multiple varieties of henna plant, leading to qualitative differences in the resulting color.

Ancient Sunrise® runs every batch to under a microscope to determine its sift, as well as to ensure there are no additives such as sand and PPD. Back at the office, we test mixes on hair samples to observe paste consistency and color results.

The dye content refers to the concentration of lawsone in the henna. Higher dye contents lead to more saturated coverage and deeper, richer shades. Dye content ranges between 0.5% and 3%. Henna stains will always be orange/red in tone.  The lower dye content hennas tend to be more coppery, some varieties in the middle range of dye content have rosier undertones, and a few with high dye content tend to mature towards brownish tones.

Sift refers to the size of the powder particles. Finer sifts create smoother pastes that are easier to apply and rinse out of thick hair, and are easier on delicate and damaged hair.

Ancient Sunrise® Rajasthani Monsoon Henna

This is our standard henna used in most of our regular Henna for Hair kits. It has a lower dye content, good sift, and rosy “true red” tones when used alone. This is the one we recommend to those who want a rich, vivid red with minimal orange tones.

Ancient Sunrise® Rajasthani Twilight Henna

This is the henna used in Henna for Gray hair kits.  It has a high dye content, fine sift, and deep coppery auburn tones when used alone. This is our most popular henna. It provides great gray coverage and it makes for beautiful, rich auburn and brunette results.

Ancient Sunrise® Rarity Henna

This henna is used in the Delicate Hair kits. It has a medium dye content, a wonderfully fine sift, and lighter coppery tones when used alone. A finer sift means a smoother paste, which can be applied and rinsed out of the hair easily. This henna is perfect for people with very thick or curly hair, or delicate and damaged hair.

Ancient Sunrise® Indigo

Indigo varies only on sift. Finer sifts create smoother pastes that are easier to apply and rinse out of thick hair, and are easier on delicate and damaged hair. A finer sift can also lead to a deeper, darker coverage.

Ancient Sunrise® Sudina Indigo

This is the standard indigo used in Henna for Hair kits. It has a regular sift, and good coverage. Indigo paste is grittier than henna paste, but this can be fixed easily with a little Ancient Sunrise® CMC powder.

Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara Indigo

This is the premium quality indigo used in Henna for Gray Hair and Henna for Delicate Hair kits. It has a fine sift for deeper coverage. Because of the finer sift, most people find they don’t need Ancient Sunrise® CMC powder; Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara Indigo applies and rinses out easily.

Ancient Sunrise® Cassia

Ancient Sunrise® Clarity Cassia

Ancient Sunrise® Clarity Cassia is wonderful as a conditioning treatment that leads to smoother, shiner, and stronger hair without a color change.

This premium quality cassia has a finer sift, making it ideal for people with delicate, damaged, thick, or curly hair. This is a great choice for people who want to gently condition and strengthen their delicate or damaged hair.

A small amount of henna and indigo can be added to cassia to create beautiful blonde shades.

Cassia Auriculata vs Cassia Obovata

If you’ve been with Mehandi for awhile, you’ve probably notice that we do not have Sudina or Zekhara Cassia any longer. To read about the differences between Clarity cassia and our previous crops of cassia, click here:

Ancient Sunrise® Fruit Acids

All henna and cassia mixes need a fruit acid to release the dye that will color the hair. Different fruit acids will lead to slightly different color results because they nudge the dye molecules one way or another during the dye-release process. Acids alone do not contain dyes; they only work to affect the color result of a henna mix.

Gentlest on Hair and Scalp

Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino and Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino are both derived from grapes, and are the gentlest of all the acid powders. These are great for people who have sensitive skin and/or delicate, dry hair.

Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino allows for brighter, lighter tones in henna and cassia, with some deepening over time.

Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino causes deeper, richer shades, and is especially great for brunette mixes. It is the gentlest acid.

Brighter Tones

Ancient Sunrise® Copperberry keeps henna and cassia mixes bright, and is high in antioxidants to prevent deepening from oxidation over time.

Ancient Sunrise® Citric Acid results in bright tones which deepen with oxidation over time. Citric acid may be harsh on sensitive skin. Kristalovino would be a good alternative if you are worried about irritation.

Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino, as mentioned above, is a gentle acid that makes for brighter, lighter tones.

Ash Tones

Ancient Sunrise® Nightfall Rose contains anthocyanins to add a subtle “blue’ tone to henna and cassia mixes, muting out brighter tones. This is great in combination with Monsoon henna, for those who want a rich, vivid “true” red with minimal orange tones.  It is also good for neutral blonde and brunette results.

Ancient Sunrise® Amla helps to neutralize brighter red/orange tones, and aids in the binding of indigo molecules on the hair, for cooler, deeper brunettes. It also prevents curl loosening. Because henna smooths the hair and adds weight, those who want to keep their curls bouncy can use Ancient Sunrise® Amla to counteract any loosening effects. (Amla will not ash out henna or cassia only mixes.)

One wonderful thing about henna mixes is that they are forgiving. If you want to switch a plant powder or fruit acid, or change the ratios of your mixture, you can do this at any time, and the results of the new mixture will blend nicely with the color you already have in your hair. Feel free to read more or contact a Customer Service rep, who would be more than happy to help you decide on what you need.

Author: Rebecca Chou August 2017
Edited: Maria Moore August 2022

Amla is also antibacterial and high in vitamin c, making it a great facial mask. It exfoliates, smooths, tightens, and brightens complexions.

Switching It Up

One wonderful thing about henna mixes is that they are forgiving. If you want to switch a plant powder or fruit acid, or change the ratios of your mixture, you can do this at any time, and the results of the new mixture will blend nicely with the color you already have in your hair. Feel free to read more or contact a Customer Service rep, who would be more than happy to help you decide on what you need.

Author: Rebecca Chou August 2017
Edited: Maria Moore August 2022

Henna for Hair 101: Choosing Your Mix

Nearly any natural hair color is achievable with the correct mixture of plant dyes.

When choosing your mix, we understand that it can be overwhelming. If at any point you’re not sure where to start, contact our wonderful customer service team!

The quick and dirty facts about henna for hair are the following:*

  • Henna by itself stains keratin a range of shades between copper and dark auburn.
  • Indigo darkens and browns these shades, and cassia lightens these shades, adding golden tones.
  • Equal parts henna and indigo will result in a medium brunette on most. More indigo will result in darker and darker shades of brunette.
  • Equal parts of henna and cassia results in bright, fiery tones of copper and orange. More cassia will result in lighter and brighter tones of strawberry blonde.
  • All three together will result in more shades of blondes and golden brunettes.
  • Henna first, then indigo second in a two-step process results in a shiny jet black color.
  • None of these powders or mixes will turn darker hair a lighter color.

    *color results depend on starting hair color, with the exception of jet black.

Important information

If you are already lost, click here to read Henna for Hair 101: Bare Essentials.

The amount of product you need will depend on the length and thickness of your hair. If you have very short hair, you will want to adjust your measurements to save product. If you have very long hair, you will have to increase the amount of product you are using. The Customer Service representatives at are there to help you if you need it.

We have several types of henna, indigo, and cassia that vary by tone and/or sift. To see descriptions of the plant powders and fruit acid powders read Henna for Hair 101: What’s the Difference Between All These Plant Powders?

Choosing your Mix: Pre-Made Kits

If this is your first time using Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair products, it is easiest to start out with a pre-made kit. Ancient Sunrise® has a wide variety of kits to dye hair any shade from blonde to jet black, and they are formulated for regular hair, graying hair, and fragile hair (both natural and relaxed). We include the correct ratios of the plant powders and acid powders you’ll need to achieve your desired result, as well as gloves, a piping bag (great for quick and easy root touch-ups), and instructions on how to put everything together. No measuring or guessing necessary. All you’ll need is distilled water.

Because certain powders need to be mixed at certain times for the best results, we do not pre-blend the powders, but rather provide them in individual packets inside the kits.

We recommend choosing one or more kits to sample on some hair you have collected, and then using the full kit of your choice after determining which one works best for you. If you’re not picky about your results, you can jump right in with a full kit.

Below is a quick cheat sheet on the kits, their formulations, and the expected results.

Even if you want to create your own mix rather than buying a kit, the chart below can help you see what you might need to achieve your desired result.

Everything in the kits is available for individual and bulk purchase. Most customers start with kits until they are comfortable with the process, then order in bulk. We offer bulk discounts, which makes stocking up economical.


If you have light hair:

Desired ResultKitMix
Brighten blondes, adding golden tone and shine Ancient Sunrise® Blonde

• 96.5% Ancient Sunrise® Clarity cassia
• 1.5% Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• 3% Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino fruit acid

Warm, strawberry blonde or golden blonde Ancient Sunrise® Sunshine

• 80% Ancient Sunrise® Clarity cassia
• 20% Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino fruit acid

Deep, neutral blonde to light golden brown

Ancient Sunrise® Chai• 66% Ancient Sunrise® cassia
• 17% Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• 17% part Ancient Sunrise® Sudina indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Nightfall Rose fruit acid
Vivid, orange red Ancient Sunrise® Fire • 50% Ancient Sunrise® Clarity cassia
• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon
• Ancient Sunrise® Copperberry fruit acid

Bright, rosy “true” red

Ancient Sunrise® Red • Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon Henna
• Ancient Sunrise® Copperberry fruit acid

Deeper “true” red Ancient Sunrise® Cinnamon • Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon Henna
• Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino fruit acid

Auburn Ancient Sunrise® Auburn (gray hair kit)• Ancient Sunrise® Rajasthani Twilight henna
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino

Medium, warm, chestnut brown

Ancient Sunrise® Medium Brown

• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon henna
• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Sudina indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino
Medium Cool brown Ancient Sunrise® Cool Brown • 50% Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon henna
• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Sudina indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Amla fruit acid
Dark, warm, chocolate brown

Ancient Sunrise® Dark Brown• 33% Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon henna
• 66% Ancient Sunrise® Sudina indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino
Dark, cool brown Ancient Sunrise® Cool Dark Brown• 33% Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon henna
• 66% Ancient Sunrise® Sudina indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Amla fruit acid

Soft Black/Very Very dark brown Ancient Sunrise® Warm Black

• 20% Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• 80% Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino
Jet black

Ancient Sunrise® Black 2 step process
• 1st: Ancient Sunrise® Monsoon henna
• 2nd: Ancient Sunrise® Sudina indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino


If you have medium brunette hair:

Desired ResultKitMix
Richen color (a shade or two darker)

Ancient Sunrise® ChaiSee first chart for kit mix details

Slightly ginger Ancient Sunrise® Fire

Ginger Ancient Sunrise® Red or Cinnamon

Medium to Dark Auburn

Ancient Sunrise® Auburn (gray hair kit)

Darker brownAncient Sunrise® Medium Brown or Cool Brown
Darker cool brownAncient Sunrise® Dark Brown or Cool Dark Brown
Warm soft black Ancient Sunrise® Warm Black
Jet Black Ancient Sunrise® Black

If you have darker hair:

Desired ResultKitMix
Add warm tones

Warm red tones under sunlight

Ancient Sunrise® Red or Cinnamon, or Auburn

See first chart for kit mix details

Deepen color by a couple of shades

Ancient Sunrise® Medium Brown or Cool Brown

Soft black

Ancient Sunrise® Dark Brown, Cool Dark Brown, or Warm Black

Jet BlackAncient Sunrise® Black

If you have graying hair:

Desired ResultKitMix
Blend grays to a golden light brown tone

Ancient Sunrise® ChaiSee first chart for kit mix details

Rich red highlights with an overall warm colorAncient Sunrise® Henna for Gray Hair: AuburnSee first chart for kit mix details

Chestnut highlights on darker hair or blend gray with medium brown hairAncient Sunrise® Henna for Gray Hair: Medium Brown

• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino
Dark, warm brown highlights on black hair or blend grays with dark brown hairAncient Sunrise® Henna for Gray Hair: Dark Brown

• 33% Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• 66% Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino

Jet BlackAncient Sunrise® Henna for Gray Hair: BlackTwo step process
• 1st: Ancient Sunrise® Twilight henna
• 2nd: Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino


If you have natural hair, thick/curly hair, or delicate/damaged hair:

Desired ResultKitMix
Add shine with no color

not in kit form

Ancient Sunrise® Clarity cassia with fruit acid of choice
Add warm, copper tones to light and medium hair colors not in kit form

Ancient Sunrise® Rarity henna and fruit acid of choice
Color light hair medium brown or make medium to dark hair a few shades darker Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Delicate Hair: Medium Brown • 50% Ancient Sunrise® Rarity henna
• 50% Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino
Color medium hair dark or make dark hair a soft black Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Delicate Hair: Dark Brown • 33% Ancient Sunrise® Rarity henna
• 66% Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino
Jet BlackAncient Sunrise® Henna for Delicate Hair: Black Two step process
• 1st: Ancient Sunrise® Rarity henna
• 2nd: Ancient Sunrise® Zekhara indigo
• Ancient Sunrise® Malluma Kristalovino

Note: Kits that are not labeled “for gray” will blend grays nicely into highlights.

All full sized and sample sized kits can be found here:

Our Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair E-book has great, detailed information about mix formulations, testing, application, trouble-shooting, and more. And of course, we have awesome Customer Service Reps who are all experts on henna for hair, available for consultation via phone, email, and chat during our business hours.

Author: Rebecca Chou
Updated: Maria Moore 2022

Henna for Hair 101: The Bare Essentials

When it comes to henna for hair, the simplest mix is the best. Having a basic understanding, the bare essentials, of the nature of henna and other plant dye powders will lead to beautiful results. Henna is different from boxed dye, so some nervousness or confusion is normal. The internet is filled with conflicting information which makes henna seem more complicated than it is. Ancient Sunrise is built upon decades of research with the goal of providing knowledge and high quality product to the public. The purpose of this article and others in the Henna for Hair 101 series is to educate new henna users so they will feel confident in their knowledge, and excited to begin.

The Beginning

Henna has been used for centuries across the world, in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and South Asia, where the lawsonia inermis plant grows in hot, arid climates. Henna as a hair dye has grown in popularity as many choose to move away from conventional hair dyes. And for good reason. PPD (para-phenylenediamine) and related chemicals are common ingredients in the majority of commercial hair dyes, and can cause serious reactions which will worsen with each exposure. 100% pure BAQ henna is an effective and permanent way to get a beautiful hair color that strengthens and conditions the hair rather than damaging it. Pure henna is safe to use. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.


Henna has been used for since at least 3000 BCE to mask graying hair. In the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and South Asia, the lawsonia inermis plant grows naturally in hot, semi-arid climates, and everywhere it grows, people have found uses for henna. Henna was used in ancient Rome, medieval Spain, and the Ottoman Empire as hair dye. It was introduced to Europe (where the climate is too cool for the plant to grow) during the 19th century through trade between England, France, and their North African colonies, then during the 20th century into the USA.

Techniques and recipes to henna hair are remarkably consistent over centuries and continents: henna, with a mildly acidic mix, and time. Many of these mixes are household mixes passed from mother to daughter; most are sufficient, but not as effective as they could be. Understanding the science of henna will help refine mixes without going astray.

During the 20th century, henna suppliers sold compound hennas to Western women who were unfamiliar with henna and who lacked the family-based understanding of henna. Suppliers added metallic salts and chemical dyes to henna in an attempt to simplify the process for Western use. These ‘convenient and modern additives’ only produced an inferior product that doesn’t work right.

Another pattern of henna gone astray comes from a growing interest in home health remedies. As people develop subclinical allergies to the chemicals in common cosmetic and house through constant exposure, they assume that avoiding manufactured chemicals and replacing them with ‘natural’ products will alleviate their symptoms. This is a logical connection, though there are as many allergens in the ‘natural’ world as there in the’ manufactured’ world. Since cosmetics contain oxidative dyes, detergents, and aromatic amines, all of which can be highly sensitizing, more and more people try mixing up something ‘natural’ out of the kitchen.

There are a myriad of blogs which cater to itchy and frustrated people hoping to find relief with homemade hair skin remedies. These ingredients— plant oils, coconut milk, egg, essential oils, coffee, and so on— find their way into henna mixes. Sadly, these rarely have any basis in solid science, are unnecessary, and are often counterproductive to a successful henna dye. You can read Henna For Hair 101: Don’t Put Food on Your Head to learn why.

Keep it Simple

The best results come from sticking to a pure and simple mix made up of two main components: The plant dye powders, and the acids. Once you understand the basics of the henna mix, you can expand your knowledge and tweak your recipe to get your ideal results.

The Plant Dye Powders

The bare essentials contain three plant powders—henna, cassia, and indigo—a person could achieve any natural hair color, from blonde to jet black. The final color depends on the ratio of these powders, and the choice of acid. While every mix contains henna, whether or not you need cassia and indigo will depend on the goal. All of these powders deposit color onto the hair, and cannot lift color out or lighten what is already there. In other words, if you have black hair, you will not be able to achieve a bright red result unless you lighten first.

After reading this article, be sure to check out Henna for Hair 101: Choosing Your Mix to learn how to decide exactly what you need to get the color you want.

Henna (Lawsonia Inermis)

Henna is probably one of the most important features of the bare essentials. The henna crop is grown in hot, arid climates and produces a natural red-orange dye called lawsone.

The henna leaf contains lawsone, an orange-red dye molecule. This is the base for most plant dye mixes. On its own, it will dye light hair to rich red and auburn tones. Henna powder must be mixed with a mildly acidic liquid, such as a fruit juice, or an acid powder plus distilled water. Leave this paste to sit at room temperature for 8-12 hours for the plant leaf to release the precursor molecule which will dye hair.

Cassia (Obovata(

Cassia’s light, golden-yellow dye brightens lighter hair, and adds golden tones to henna and henna/indigo mixes.

Cassia obovata contains a light golden-yellow dye molecule. On its own, it can brighten blondes, and give grays a light golden blonde tint. Cassia will not change the color of darker hair. It cannot turn dark hair blonde. It is also mixed with henna and henna/indigo mixes to create less saturated reds and brunettes. Like henna, cassia must go through a dye release with an acidic component.

This plant powder can also be mixed with distilled water and applied immediately to condition the hair. For better conditioning results, dye release the cassia first.

Cassia (Auriculata)

Clarity Cassia on white hair

Cassia auriculata is a desert plant, though similar to Cassia obovata, is a separate crop. This particular plant powder does not stain the hair as well as cassia obovata. Most people will not get any coloring, even on pale hair. It is okay to substitute cassia auriculata in your henna/indigo mixes for cassia obovata.

Cassia auriculata can help enhance natural curls and conditioning the hair.

Indigo (Indigofera Tinctoria)

The indigo powder used for dyeing hair is partially fermented and dried; this is vashma or bashma indigo.

On its own, the dye molecule in indigo oxidizes from yellow to green, then blue. Indigo and henna together achieve brunette colors. When used in a two-step process—dyeing the hair first with just henna, then again with just indigo—the result will be jet black.

Indigo alone will dye light hair to a green shade that will oxidize to blue-green or blue-violet hues before fading. Dyeing with indigo alone is possible. Indigo by itself can make hair a blue color (similar to jeans). While it will not condition hair like henna or cassia, it can improve shine.

Vashma indigo goes under a natural fermentation in an alkaline medium to release the dye before it is dried and powdered. This makes it ready to use. Add distilled water, not an acidic liquid to make the paste, right before use. Indigo paste will begin to lose its dye strength in as little as twenty minutes exposed to the air. It is important to mix the indigo only when it is time to apply the paste.

Before preparing to add indigo into a mix, make sure that the henna/cassia/acid mix has dye-released. When you are ready, mix the indigo powder with distilled water, stir it into the dye-released paste, and apply immediately.

The Acid

Acid powders are an important bare essentials! Powdered acids derived from fruits are a great alternative to using fruit juice. They have a long shelf life, so they are easy to keep on hand. Just mix with distilled water! Find them at

Henna and cassia need an acidic component and given time to dye-release. Fruit juices such as apple, cranberry, and orange do the job perfectly well and are widely available. You can also mix a fruit acid powder into the henna, and then stir in distilled water. Ancient Sunrise® carries a variety of fruit acid powders to suit all hair textures and color needs.

Lemon juice can be harsh and drying, and the result is a color that is initially bright and brassy, which oxidizes to a deeper, darker color over time. Apple cider vinegar has a similar effect. To avoid irritation and an overly acidic mix, dilute these acids with distilled water, or consider using something else.

Fresh apple juice is gentle on the hair and skin, and contains enzymes that accelerate the dye-release process. Henna mixed with apple juice will be ready within 4-6 hours when left at room temperature.

The acidic component may affect the tone of the henna. Some bring out brighter tones, while others add ash tones, or deepen the overall color by a few shades.

Do Not Use:

Wine, coffee, yogurt, egg, oils, coconut milk, or essential oils. These do nothing to help the color. They will make your mix smell and may prevent the dye from binding. In some cases they will cause a headache while the paste is on your head.

Tea might smell nice, but on its own is not acidic enough for dye-release.

Brightly colored plants, such as berries, beets, red cabbage, and hibiscus do not contain dyes that bind to the hair. Adding them in for hopes of a more purplish tone will be pointless.

Putting the Bare Essentials Together

Once you have determined your plant powder ratios, mix your henna and/or cassia together with an acidic component. If you are using an acidic powder, blend all of your dry ingredients first, and then add the distilled water. Pour the liquid in slowly while stirring, until the paste has the thick, smooth texture of creamy mashed potatoes. It should not be runny, but slowly drop off the spoon in a dollop. Cover this with plastic and leave it at room temperature for 8-12 hours.

When dye-release has occurred, the surface of the paste will be darker than the paste underneath, like a bowl of fresh guacamole after a day. You may see orange or red liquid collecting at the top. Dip a finger in the paste, or drop a small amount of the palm of your hand. The skin should show a bright orange stain when washed off after a minute. Note: if your mix is predominantly cassia, these signs may not be noticeable.

If you are not using indigo, you are now ready to apply your henna.

If You Are Mixing Henna and Indigo for Brunette Results:

After your first paste has dye-released, mix the indigo with distilled water only, until it is a similar consistency. Stir the two pastes together well, and apply.

If You are Doing a Two-step Process to Achieve Jet Black Hair:

Apply your henna for the required amount of time, rinse, apply freshly mixed indigo to clean hair within 48 hours. Do not mix the indigo until you are ready to apply it.

For tips on application, click here.

Recap of the Bare Essentials

henna and indigo mixes on hair

The basis to a successful mix has only two components: plant dye powders, and the acid. Sticking to a simple mix will ensure the best results. Applying to clean, clarified hair and leaving the paste in for three hours will result in the best coverage. If desired, mixes without indigo can be left on for several hours. After rinsing, the color will take up to a week to oxidize. It starts brighter then deepens down into its final color.

If you are unsure about your mix, it is best to test first. Adjust your mix based on the results after oxidation. If you need help, feel free to contact Customer Service for advice!

For more information, feel free to consult the Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair E-book.

Author: Rebecca Chou
Edited: 2022 by Maria Moore